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Sustainable Living

15 Cheap Building Materials for a New Home on A Budget

Building a home – no matter what size—is increasingly more expensive, not just because of real estate prices, but also due to...

How Reverse Osmosis water purification works

Q. WHAT IS THE MEMBRANE AND HOW DOES IT WORK? A. The membrane consists of several thin layers or...

The Rise of 3D Printed Houses

Every new innovation comes to the market with a particular price tag. Large concrete 3D printers, for example, had a rather high...

Rainwater Harvesting: A Beginner’s Guide | Waterplex

In Australia, the average family uses between 250,000 to 300,000 litres of water yearly, with more than 50% flushed down the toilet...

11 Green Building Materials that transform the Construction Industry

Sustainable materials do not impact negatively on the natural environment and to any living organism’s health. Since most established building products are...

Future batteries: Charge in seconds, last months and power over the air

While smartphones, smart homes and even smart wearables are growing ever more advanced, they're still limited by power. The battery hasn't advanced in decades. But we're on...

Magnifying transmitter – Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is known for many great inventions. Almost all modern power distribution and production systems use Tesla’s designs from over 100...

What is Sustainable Living?

Sustainable living is the practice of reducing your demand on natural resources by making sure that you replace what you use to...

Living off the grid – the realities

WHEN Jeff and Marg Foster took on the 160-hectare “Bendee” outside of Bingara in 2011 it was a no-brainer when it came to...

How to live ‘off-the-grid’ in Australia

With housing costs on the rise, more and more Aussies have been looking into the option of living ‘off the grid’. Living off-grid...

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Five Best Places For Kayaking

Kayaking is now known as a popular adventure water sport. It makes use of kayaks. In kayaking, the person inside the kayak...

COVID-19 Numerology and 666

When I saw how COVID-19 was being used to create draconian laws to control us, I expected to see 666 in the...

Different Types of Snow Skis

There are a lot of different types of Skis available in the market today, and each Ski Type has its own unique features and...

Heliofant, I Pet Goat 2, Satanism & Coronavirus COVID-19 Prophecy

Let's recap: the world is being secretly manipulated by a Satanic cult. It sounds outrageous, but every Christian believes it even...